Delete whole folder structure in ConfigMgr 2012–Powershell

3 minutes read

During my tests with scripts I sometimes create whole folder structures with software packages inside the Configuration Manager 2012 Admin Console. Of course I also don’t get it right the first time around.

Did you ever need to delete more than a few packages at once? In more than one folder? You can’t select more than one package at a time for deletion and the same goes for folders. This can become a major pain if you don’t have a way to automate it.

That’s why I wrote this small script.

How to delete folders and packages in ConfigMgr 2012

The script is totally independent of the ConfigMgr 2012 Powershell cmdlets, it’s all done via WMI.


It will ask you once and only once if you want to continue deleting any content and if you type “true”, then that’s that, all gone!

Lets say you have this folder structure:


If you want to delete all folders and packages beneath “LogiX_Test”, then you would have to execute the script like this:

.\Delete-FolderStructure -SiteCode $YourSiteCode -ManagementPoint $YourManagementPoint -FolderPath "LogiX_Test"

Now we have this:


and you want to delete all content beneath “Tools”:

.\Delete-FolderStructure -SiteCode $YourSiteCode -ManagementPoint $YourManagementPoint -FolderPath "LogiX_Test\Tools"

This is how the script looks like:



    Deletes packages and folders beneath a given folder structure.


    Deletes packages and folders beneath a given folder structure.


    ConfigMgr Site SiteCode

    This parameter is mandatory!

    This parameter has an alias of SC.

.PARAMETER ManagementPoint

    FQDN of a ManagementPoint in this hierarchy.

    This parameter is mandatory!

    This parameter has an alias of MP.


    This parameter expects the path to the folder UNDER which you want to delete ALL packages and ALL folders.

    This parameter is mandatory!

    This parameter has an alias of FP.


    PS C:\PSScript > .\delete-folderstructure.ps1 -SiteCode PR1 -ManagementPoint -FolderPath "Software\HelpDesk"

    This will use PR1 as Site Code.

    This will use as Management Point.

    This will use "Software\HelpDesk" as the path to the folder under which you want to delete content. ALL content beneath the folder HelpDesk and ALL packages will be deleted. USE WITH CAUTION!!!


    None.  You cannot pipe objects to this script.


    No objects are output from this script.  This script creates a Word document.



    NAME: delete-folderstructure.ps1

    VERSION: 1.0


    LASTEDIT: June 20, 2013

    Change history:


    To see the examples, type: "Get-Help .\delete-folderstructure.ps1 -examples".

    For more information, type: "Get-Help .\delete-folderstructure.ps1 -detailed".

    This script will only work with Powershell 3.0.


[CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $False, ConfirmImpact = "None", DefaultParameterSetName = "" ) ]



    Position = 1,

    Mandatory=$true )






    Position = 2,

    Mandatory=$true )






    Position = 3,

    Mandatory=$true )







#Import the CM12 Powershell cmdlets

Import-Module ($env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length – 5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1') | Out-Null

#CM12 cmdlets need to be run from the CM12 drive

Set-Location "$($SiteCode):" | Out-Null

if (-not (Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode))


        Write-Error "There was a problem loading the Configuration Manager powershell module and accessing the site's PSDrive."

        exit 1



$Packages = @()

$ChildFolders = @()

$Children = $null

$IDPath = @()

$GreatChildFolders = $null

$ChildFolders = $null

$Folders = $null

[array]$Folders = $FolderPath.Split("\")

$i = 0

foreach ($Folder in $Folders)


        $FolderID = $null

        if ($i -eq 0)


                $RootFolder = "0"


        $FolderID = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerNode -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "Name = '$($Folder)' and ObjectType = '2' and ParentContainerNodeID = '$($RootFolder)'").ContainerNodeID

        $RootFolder = $FolderID

        $IDPath += $FolderID



$ParentFolder = $StartFolder = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerNode -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "ContainerNodeID = '$($IDPath[-1])'").ContainerNodeID

$Children = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerNode -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "ParentContainerNodeID = '$($ParentFolder)'").ContainerNodeID

$ChildFolders += $Children

foreach ($Child in $ChildFolders)




                $GreatChildFolders = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerNode -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "ParentContainerNodeID = '$($Child)'").ContainerNodeID


        catch [System.Management.Automation.PropertyNotFoundException]


                Write-Verbose "This was the last folder."


        $ChildFolders += $GreatChildFolders


Write-Host "Folders to be deleted: $($ChildFolders)"

foreach ($ChildFolder in $ChildFolders)




                $Packages += (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerItem -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "ContainerNodeID = '$($ChildFolder)'").InstanceKey


        catch [System.Management.Automation.PropertyNotFoundException]


                Write-Verbose "This was the last Package."



Write-Host "Packages to be deleted: $($Packages)"

if ((Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to delete these folders and packages? [true]") -eq $true)


        foreach ($Pkg in $Packages)




                        $Pkg = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_Package -Namespace root\sms\site_$SiteCode -Filter "PackageID = '$($Pkg)'").__PATH

                        Remove-WmiObject -Path $Pkg


                catch [System.Management.Automation.PropertyNotFoundException]


                        Write-Verbose "This was the last Package."



        foreach ($Fld in $ChildFolders)




                        $Fld = (Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_ObjectContainerNode -Namespace root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $($ManagementPoint) -Filter "ContainerNodeID = '$($Fld)'").__PATH

                        Remove-WmiObject -Path $Fld -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


                catch [System.Management.Automation.PropertyNotFoundException]


                        Write-Verbose "This was the last folder."




Download the script from Codeplex:


Feedback or questions welcome.


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