Update: How to create a new Software Update Group in ConfigMgr 2012

3 minutes read

Update to previous post on Software Update Groups

In this post I’m presenting you version 1.0 of my script (2012/12/create-a-new-software-update-group-in-configmgr/)to create a new Software Update Group in Configuration Manager 2012.

The last version lacked some features which I wanted to see in it.

What’s new?

  • comment-based help for the underlying function
  • Software Updates can be selected by the date they were released
    • for example chose only the updates of Microsoft’s last Patch Day on December 11th 2012.
  • Software Updates can be imported via a CSV file
  • a log is being created, but it’s basically not saying that much at the moment ;-)

Do you have any requests or comments?

Functionality: This script creates a new Software Update Group in Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
How does it work: create-SoftwareUpdateGroup.ps1 -UpdateGroupName $Name -KnowledgeBaseIDs $KBID -SiteCode
KnowledgeBaseID can contain comma separated KnowledgeBase IDs like 981852,16795779

Date: 02.12.2012

param (

Function create-Group {
    Creates a new Software Update Group in Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.
    Creates a new Software Update Group in Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.
    ConfigMgr SiteCode
.PARAMETER UpdateGroupName
    The name of the new Software Update Group
.PARAMETER Description
    The new Software Upate Group's description
.PARAMETER KnowledgeBaseIDs
    comma-separated list of Microsoft knowledge base IDs for Updates. If you use this, don't use "DateUpdatesCreated" and "UseCSV".
.PARAMETER DateUpdatesCreated
    Date the Updates in the database get filtered by, format: yyyymmdd. If you use this, don't use "KnowledgeBaseIDs" and "UseCSV".
    A Logfile will be created in this directory
    A switch. Use this Parameter if you want to define the updates in a CSV file. If you use this, don't use "KnowledgeBaseIDs" and "DateUpdatesCreated".
    If you use "UseCSV" you have to specify a path to a CSV file.
    .\create-SoftwareUpdateGroup.ps1 -UpdateGroupName NewSoftwareUpdateGroup -Description "This is a new Software Update Group" -KnowledgeBaseIDs 981852,16795779 -SiteCode LAB -LogFilePath C:\temp
    .\create-SoftwareUpdateGroup.ps1 -SiteCode LAB -UpdateGroupName SUG-2012-December -DateUpdatesCreated "20121211" -LogFilePath C:\temp -Description "Microsoft Updates December 2012"
    .\create-SoftwareUpdateGroup.ps1 -SiteCode LAB -UpdateGroupName SUG-2012-December -Description "Microsoft Updates December 2012" -LogFilePath c:\Temp -UseCSV -CSVFilePath "C:\Temp\KBIDs.CSV"
    Version: 1.0
    Change history
        02.12.2012: first release
        07.01.2013: Logging, create SUG by Date created, comment-based help for function
        Requirements: none

[array]$CIIDs = @()

if ($UseCSV)
  $KnowledgeBaseIDs = Get-Content $CSVFilePath
  foreach ($CIID in $KnowledgeBaseIDs)
      $CIIDs += $CIID
  $KnowledgeBaseIDs = (gwmi -ns root\sms\site_$($SiteCode) -Class SMS_softwareupdate | where {$_.dateposted -like "$($DateUpdatesCreated)*"}).ci_id

foreach ($KBID in $KnowledgeBaseIDs)
  $CIID = (gwmi -ns root\sms\site_$($SiteCode) -class sms_softwareupdate | where {$_.ArticleID -eq $KBID }).CI_ID
  if ($CIID -eq $null)
    Write-Log "The update with KB ID $($KBID) could not be found in the database and will be ignored."
    $CIIDs += $CIID

if (-not $UseCSV)
  foreach ($CIID in $KnowledgeBaseIDs)
    $CIIDs += $CIID
    write-log "The Update with CI_ID $($CIID) has been added to the Update List"

$SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties = "SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties"
$class_Localization = [wmiclass]""
$class_Localization.psbase.Path ="ROOT\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode):$($SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties)"
$Localization = $class_Localization.CreateInstance()
$Localization.DisplayName = $UpdateGroupName
$Localization.Description = $Description
$Localization.LocaleID = 1033
$Information += $Localization
$class_AuthList = [wmiclass]""
$class_AuthList.psbase.Path ="ROOT\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode):$($SMS
$AuthList = $class_AuthList.CreateInstance()
$AuthList.Updates = $CIIDs
$AuthList.LocalizedInformation = $Information
$AuthList.Put() |Out-Null


function write-log([string]$info){
  if (($loginitialized -eq $false) -and (-not (Test-Path $logfile)))
    $FileHeader > $logfile
    $script:loginitialized = $True
  $time = get-date -format G
  $time + " " + $info | Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append

<#---------Logfile Info----------#>

$script:logfile = "$($LogFilePath)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)-$(get-date -format ddMMyy).log"
$script:Seperator = @"
  $("-" * 25)

$script:loginitialized = $false
$script:FileHeader = @"
***Application Information***

Filename:  $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
Created by:  David O'Brien
Last Modified:  $(Get-Date -Date (get-item .\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)).LastWriteTime -f dd/MM/yyyy)


You can also find a demo of this script in my latest video: http://www.david-obrien.net/?p=640


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